#13: Cyndie Meersman - Maximizing Your Ability to Create Value (and Land a Job)

Thinking about yourself as someone who can create value in the world and preparing yourself to adapt to the world is useful personally and can help you better market yourself to prospect employers. We all need to be realistic; don't brag but do know how you can create value for an organization. Cyndie Meersman is the founder of a unique student organization at Texas A&M University called The Business of the Arts (BA), an organization that she hopes one day will become known for developing artists' entrepreneurial skills. Cyndie confesses she didn't actually start the organization to help artists. She started BA to expand her own career options by putting a leadership position on her own resume. Selfish? I don't think so. Cyndie is thinking strategically; she's thinking about how she can make herself more valuable to prospect employers. 



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